Tomorrow morning I'm going to prove that werewolves really exist...

 I don't know how it happened, but for the past two nights I've been changing- progressively more and more... 

The first night, I accidentally bit my cat during a vivid dream. The second night I had a sleep walking incident- through which I was entirely aware! and which I remember perfectly!

As far as I know that is not a known phenomenon. It was like I was a passenger in my own body. I could not stop or start any action- only watch regardless of my objections. And besides this mental experience, my physical sensations were changed as well. I'm positive the change was more than mental. I felt so much raw power and strength in my blood, muscles, and bones. 

I was something more than human, I'm absolutely sure. 

Now the only trouble is trying to convince my wife. She does not want to listen, so she does nto want to help me. If I could make her understand the danger, she'd take me seriously. 

The only way I could get her to agree to lock me in the garage for her protection and that of our kids, was to offer her video of me transforming. I agreed if I didn't transform, I'd talk to a doctor like she asked. But... I know exactly how this is going to happen. I'm going to get that video tonight, and show her in the morning. It will be all the proof she needs to take me seriously- and everyone will know I was right. 

And next time I tell my wife to lock me up, she'll actually listen. 

I am a hero for doing what I have to to protect my family from the beast inside me.

The world will finally have living proof that werewolves are real!

Like I said, I don't actually know how it happened. But I can't deny the evidence of my own experience. I felt my body changing- coursing with deadly energy. 

I haven't been bitten by any canines, I haven't done any witchcraft or worn cursed items. I can't think of a single cause that would have brought this transformation on. It hasn't even been during the full moon, so it's safe to assume the myths are pretty much useless for real life werewolves. Unless someone with a similar experience reaches out I'm pretty much left to figure this out on my own. So I can only guess: Maybe this affliction is inherent in humankind- and perhaps its brought on by stress? Or desire? 

It's no secret that I've always wanted to be a werewolf- perhaps it's the odd mixing of my intense desire, and my strong will in the face of constant adversity that brought this on. I'm scared that the strength and anger that comes on me during these transformations will end up causing me to hurt my kids if I'm not cautious and diligent.  

If only I could channel it safely- if I could control it, that would be a dream come true. But being a slave to the wolf is a nightmare. 


  1. John. I saw the video of you yelling at your baby while wearing a werewolf mask. People are trying to contact your family because they are terrified for their safety. You admit you are dangerous. Some people think you're playing. I know you're not. If you truly don't want to harm your family you will go to the hospital now. even if you are a werewolf, wouldn't your family be safer this way?

  2. Thanks for triggering my actual, real PTSD with your fictional terrorism. Fuck you.

    1. Terrorism? I think you need to check the dictionary... Because this isn't terrorism.

    2. That's what you gleaned from that? Not that your content hurt someone with PTSD? Not that your content was poorly designed in such a way that it emotionally/mentally hurt people, especially those who are mentally ill? Not that you took advantage of people who reached out in candor with their experiences? Not that you perpetuated harmful and hurtful stereotypes about people with mental illness when you pretended to have a few? You want to zero in on the fact that they spoke hyperbolically when hurt and upset? When you pretended to be John Wier, people reached out with their experiences in candor to try and get him help. You've said you considered an "ending" where John got help. But instead of listening to the people who tried to help, who were vulnerable and shared their experiences, and who preserved in urging him to get help over a good period of time; you had John listen to the short-lived, immature teenagers that populate AITA. We who are mentally ill are already misrepresented and unheard. Your content reinforced that, and I don't think you understand the damage that caused. You hurt people and set them back on getting healthy and you're so fixated on being right that you can't apologize or even fake an apology to appease the many, many people your content hurt. But yeah. How dare they hyperbolize when upset. You sure got 'em.

    3. You're pretty talkative for somebody who's bothered. Nothing keeping you here- nothing ever was. You read wililngly, you followed along willingly.

      I'm not obligated to hold your hand with trigger warnings. Maybe I should have, in retrospect done more to warn people. But bottom line, that's not and never will be a requirement of ARG story telling- or more generally: submitting content on the internet.

      My goal wasn't to hurt anybody- and as it played out some people claim to have been hurt by my content. Again, nobody forced you to follow along- and if you're being honest with yourself this story started off weird and morbid, and got progressively darker. When you followed along were you expecting sunshine and rainbows?

      I guess don't expect that from the internet.

      As for having my character listen to the hate more than the people who urged help... That's actually pretty realistic for somebody suffering from Post Partum Depression. It's extremely easy for people to fall into circular reasoning and ruminate on negativity.

      The point of this story was to engage people in a horror arg- the lesson I tried to attach was: harassing somebody who's at risk on the internet can push them off the rails.

      That's the truth. Harassing people specifically- urging suicide, telling somebody they're a piece of shit/ shitty father.... that stuff stands out to somebody who's struggling more than "Hey, it'll get better hang in there bro." Ever can or will.

      Now look, you don't need to keep hanging out on my blog. It's over. The arg is donezo. The blog too. I mean I'll try to keep replying to you if you wanna exchange essays, but that doesn't really help either of us.

      I wish you well, and I don't think you'll find "well" hanging around on stuff with bad memories. Just my two cents.


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